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How has BPO and B2B Sales Outsourcing evolved in the last 20 years?

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) has existed since the 1970s despite IBM coining the phrase in the 1990s.

Telesales and Telemarketing became common place in the 1960s. Call centres such as Convergys, Sitel, Sykes and Teleperformance first arrived from the late 70’s but grew significantly in the 1990s.

It was only with advanced globalisation and international sales expansion in the 1990s that enabled B2B Sales outsourcing partnerships to take shape in the 2000s.

The BPO trend of outsourcing non-core functions to India, Philippines, South Africa accelerated at the turn of the century.

In the 2010s, Advanced Analytics and CRM tools developed enabling effective remote or virtual sales team management.

Transaction Focus was managing remote home based sales teams on Cisco’s Webex platform as early as 2006 for Cassini Maps.

Strategic Sales Outsourcing growth consultancy partnerships are common place today, however, probably only developed 15 years ago.

Extra “feet on the street” Field Sales has existed for 25+ years in the USA pioneered by companies such as Sales Focus Inc and to a lesser extent by CPM (which is more of a Field promotion and merchandising company) in Europe.

Today, the total outsourcing industry including digital marketing is valued at US$93 billion. B2B Sales Outsourcing is a very small part of this spend. In digital marketing terms, much of the traditional advertising spend is now being spent with data driven digital lead generation and Account Based Marketing (ABM) platforms. Linked In Ads and Google Ads are eating into this pie and consume significant SMB client revenue without always demonstrating ROI.

There are also significant outsourcing choices from multiple role RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) companies such as Deel, Omnipresent and Velocity Global, so it is unsurprising that clients are confused.

Covid accelerated a trend to hire individual specialist contractors or to “re-insource” i.e. bring sales and marketing back in house manage affairs with the assistance of RPO, ABM and other technologies with hybrid teams.

2024 CEOs need to foster a sales growth revenue culture by integrating a blend of in house and specialist outsourced business revenue growth specialists. 

The days of hiring a one dimensional or 2D sales manager are over. The team needs to be 8 or 10D and needs to knit together.

Transaction Focus have enough experience and sales and marketing nouse to orchestrate domestic and international sales and marketing teams and make this happen. We are Sales growth drivers.

Few companies know how to combine tailored international sales and marketing sales teams for SMBs like Transaction Focus do. 

Take a leadership position by starting NOW.